
Nevis is one of the few remaining unspoiled touches of paradise. Lush with copious tropical vegetation, gleaming with endless stretches of alabaster beaches, and glittering with shimmering azure water, the island could not be more perfect if an artist had created it. Begin your idyllic retreat with a host of activities centered on the coral-fringed beaches. Scuba dive, kayak or deep-sea fish to your heart's content. Then explore the interior of this magical land, where dense forests host an astonishing variety of flora. All across the island, you'll find an abundance of wildlife -  from the rainforest's green vervet monkeys to the giant nesting sea turtles carrying their massive bodies to the sea, from the egrets and herons to the awesome humpback whales beginning their long journey to their breeding grounds, Nevis is one of the best places in the Caribbean to explore nature's wonder. Colonial heritage remains an integral part of the architecture and accommodations. And the churches, windmills and refurbished mansions will bring you back to idyllic days gone by. Here in Nevis, tranquility is not just a word - it's a way of life.

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